Machipongo Morning

(3 customer reviews)

$14.95$43.95 or subscribe and save up to 10%

  • Light Multi-Roast Brazil blend
  • Rainforest Alliance Certified

A mild blend of Light Brazilian roasts, clean & bright! A great all day or after dinner cup with a smooth, serene finish.

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Product Description


  • Light Multi-Roast Brazil blend
  • Our Lightest House roast!

A mild blend of Light Brazilian roasts, clean & bright! A great all day or after dinner cup with a smooth, serene finish.


The Matchapungoes were a large tribe of Indians on the Shore. The town of Machipongo, where Kristin & Jamie once lived and where they started the Machipongo Trading Co., can attribute its name to this group. The name means “much dust”, but the coffee is Mighty Tasty!  

3 reviews for Machipongo Morning

  1. Neil Hayslett

    A great coffee! Very smooth coffee with no bitter aftertaste. Bought my first small bag while visiting the Eastern Shore. Loved it enough to order 2 1/2 lbs. when I ran out.

  2. kate

    My husband and I were huge Starbucks aficionados. Snobs, really. We bought whole beans, would grind daily, and pour over expecting the most perfect cup of coffee. It’s a ritual really. Albeit one that we really enjoy.
    So, imagine our dismay when we found ourselves on the Eastern Shore without coffee. Not a bean in sight! We saw ESCR on the local shelves and grabbed a bag of Machipongo Morning with no expectations. In fact, I also bought a box of tea just in case this mysterious locally made coffee was swill.
    Well, morning came and I heard the familiar sounds of coffee grinding. Soon after the most glorious smell of coffee wafted through our tiny Victorian cottage. My husband brought 2 steaming cups of coffee from the kitchen with the huge smile on his face. I assumed his grin was for me, but I was mistaken. Tymm had sipped the dark, delicious coffee and smiled from ear to ear as if he had struck gold! We were pleasantly surprised by the taste and flavor of the bean, the thickness of the brew, and the smell of the coffee. It was glorious!
    Machipongo Morning is a medium strength breakfast brew that exceeds the taste of Starbucks “Breakfast Blend”, hands down. Now, this beautiful, black gold has become a staple in our home and we are proud of ourselves for supporting local and not lining the coffers of corporate machines.
    PS- ESCR is the only thing in our home that triggers total panic when we are dangerously low. Well, that and toilet paper.

  3. Lisa Bertoni

    My morning happiness! The aroma of the beans, the smell of the brew and that first taste. Joy.

    • Kristin

      Thanks so much Lisa! We are so glad it helps make your day (: K&J Willis

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Whole Bean: Grind it at home

Coarse: For french press, perc, or cold-brew

Drip: Medium grind for most home coffee brewers, paper cone filters

Espresso: Fine grind for espresso machines and Moka pots

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